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Just finished the game and got the platinum on the second hardest difficulty. It is an amazing game. I loved the flow of the combat, the web- swinging (epsecially without the assist) and I loved the darker tone of the story. The Venom gameplay was an amazing surprise and I just want more!
The new abilities were really good, except the mechanical Spider-arms, which felt a bit underwhelming. I would also love if you could toggle the Symbiote abilities back to black after the story, just for fun. The suits were ok, I've always liked the black suit and I also like Insomniac's take on it. The anti- Venom suit was a bit more underwhelming. Maybe it would cooler if, at least for a part of the game it was more than just a suit... And that brings us to the story. I really liked it, especially the Kraven part. I would love a proper fight between Kraven and no-black-suit Spider-man, before Peter getting stabbed. In addition the part after Kraven's death felt a bit quick. I don't like neverending, bloated games that include content just to add extra play time, but this is a game that felt like it needed something more to make it a masterpiece. And I refer both to the story and the side-content.
I played most of the side-missions the moment the became available and I cleared the map at my own pace. Although the map is now aproximately twice the size, the activities felt roughly the same. And of course I don't mean that I needed 25 crimes to complete each area. I think it needed more side-missions and bosses. More substantial content.
To conclude, it is a fantastic game and I hiighly recommend it to anyone. I will definetely replay it, maybe close to the release of the DLCs. However a slightly bigger story, more side- stories and maybe some more time in the oven could've really benefited it.

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2023
