To make things clear, I haven't played the original Triple Trouble for the Game Gear; so this is a review almost solely as a game and not a remake/reimagining/whatever.

Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit blew me the hell away. I had fun with the demos prior to its release but I'm still pleasantly surprised with just how good this game in full is. Noah Copeland and his team have such a clear understanding of what makes Classic Sonic tick it's insane.

This game operates under the hypothetical of Sonic Team releasing one last mainline Sonic game for the Genesis after S3&K, and it feels like such a natural evolution of its inspirations while still staying committed to the bit and the limitations of the Genesis. The level design takes all the right lessons from S3&K and feels fun as hell to play through as a result. The presentation also goes hard as well; the game is even more cinematic than S3&K and oh my goodness gracious please listen to the music it's wonderful. Atomic Destroyer Act 2 goes hard as hell.

If there are any complaints I have with this game, it's that the special stages don't really feel very challenging and the difficulty spike in Atomic Destroyer Act 2 is completely absurd. Most of the act feels like a slog to get through but the elevator section is genuinely terrible. And it's a shame that the worst part of the game is at the end because it leaves a bad taste in your mouth y'know?

Regardless, Triple Trouble 16-Bit is awesome. Go play this one, it's definitely worth your time and even manages toe-to-toe with the classics. Major props to everyone who worked on this project.

Reviewed on Aug 08, 2022
