Lots of fun! However, the database doesn't have a bunch of the more interesting plants, like Rafflesia or the titan arum or pitcher plant.

Love logic puzzles in this style. The framing device is very fun, too!


Sillier than Ace Attorney somehow, but deeply moving regardless. Watched/'helped' (doubtful how much help I was) girlfriend play on Windows PC.

Characters are cute, but a bit too self-satisfied for my liking. (I like my smugcat!characters with a bit of angst or tired stoicism for flavour. This says absolutely nothing about me, of course.)

Plot is very cool, though resolved too simplistically to quite hold water for an adult playing. Puzzles are fun for the most part; I'm good at shapes and logic puzzles, less so at numbers. Some of the trick questions made me roll my eyes, but others were clever. I enjoyed the little minigames that progress in parallel to the main plot (assembling the painting, collecting gizmos to make a creature, and furnishing the characters' rooms based on their silly reactions to the stuff they're given.)

Fun puzzles, but I signed up for a tiny robot rescuing their kidnapped friends. I did not sign up for this tiny robot (ie us, the player character) indiscriminately and mercilessly DESTROYING OTHER ROBOTS along the way. Holy shit, the whiplash!

(Played on Android, now watching girlfriend play on Windows PC.) These bitches have so many problems. <3

Played to completion on Android. IMPRESSIVE puzzling. Absolutely gorgeous contraption design. Super, super satisfying with great tactile feedback and sounds.

Chapters 1-4 completely blew me away with cool and innovative theming and level design; Chapter 5 started to tread some tired old territory with trite 'ancient civilizations' theming, but still provided satisfying puzzles. The story leaves a lot to be desired, but there's certainly enough there to be thought-provoking. Fantastic stuff.

Played around 2020-21. Fantastic, whimsical art - hand-drawn and delightful. Puzzles are not intuitive. Really do not like that you have to pull a cat's tail in order to solve a puzzle at one point.

Top fucking notch Creature design.

Absolutely wonderful. I've completed the original game multiple times; have not yet completed the bonus fourth map.

Creature design? Fantastic. Level design? Fantastic. Sound and graphic design? Fantastic. I have every achievement. While Secret Agent is both more nostalgic for me and more up my street in terms of genre, both games are absolute top notch.

Learned during my playthrough of this game that I can apparently do a believable Russian accent with zero effort

Carmen Sandiego was one of my first crushes. Femme fatale Carmen with the yellow dress under the trenchcoat, please - accept no substitutes!

Played on CD-ROM as "Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?" - presumably this was the international release, as I'm not American.

Directly influenced by Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego, among other lovely retro point-and-clicks. Very cool art, with a very well-designed interface and great gameplay. Unfortunately the puzzle solutions are pretty unintuitive and just a bit extra silly for my taste, particularly the Mona Lisa one. The game is a bit weird about disability, too.