Starts off as a fun adventure, but ultimately does not respect the player's time.

I played using the English Fan Translation 2.0 by JMN and TheSiege.

This is a really good JRPG and also a really good Survival Horror game. The translation could still use a little proof reading in a couple of spots, and two potential game breaking bugs are introduced because of it. As a result, I would recommend using a Save State along side the use of the in-game save function just to be sure that you don't end up having wasted hours of your time. One of the bugs in question has been reported to delete your save.

It takes a little bit to get a handle on the learning curve that this game presents. The story is simple, but impactful. The encounter rate is dialed up a little high, but that is typical of JRPGs of that era. The sprite work is great, and presents quite a bit of gore for a system as limited as the Famicom was. I especially thought the implementation of a proto-quick-time-event system was really neat.

Definitely surpassed my expectations.

Lunar is a great example of a JRPG of its time. Originally released on the Sega CD, it has been remade three times (not remastered, remade). The game boasts quite a bit of voice acting and animated cutscenes. The soundtrack is memorable, if not a bit repetitive. The boss fights are challenging and will punish you if you don't go in prepared. The localization leaves a bit to be desired, with a lot of pop culture references and lewd jokes having been inserted that were not in the original text of the game. All in all worth playing, but go in with the knowledge that it is very much a game of its time.

I played the Sega Ages version of the game on the Nintendo Switch.

Phantasy Star is a relatively simple JRPG that combines a science fiction setting with multiple planets and first person dungeon exploration. This game can be completed without reading the manual, but I would advise against it as there are some game design choices that can leave you with an unbeatable game if you don't pick up an item out of a chest when the game asks you.

The single save state that you're allowed in the Sega Ages version is night, but I wish that the implementation was better. The UI does not give any good feedback as to when you save or load the save state. You just have to remember that exiting via the Home button or Pausing will save the state, and that continuing from the main Sega Ages start screen (not the ROM start screen) will load the last save state automatically.

The added dungeon auto mapper and party HP/MP display added to this version are incredibly useful and I would likely not have enjoyed the game as much without those.

The story is interesting. The characters are neat looking. Props for being one of the earliest female protagonist-lead JRPGs. I wish that the game had given us a little more insight into the motivations of the villains. The sprite work is good. The music slaps, but I do wish there had been a little more variety.

Fun overall. Would recommend playing it once just to see the origins of the franchise.

A step up from Ara Fell in every regard, this retro-inspired RPG is really fun. The writing is witty, the sprite art is gorgeous. Definitely worth playing.

A nice update to Final Fantasy Legend on the Gameboy.

What an absolutely brilliant and absurd experience.