I can't believe it, somehow there really IS a worse DMC game than DMC2. Before I start on my rant and review, yes I get it, it's a mobile game, but that shouldn't make it to where I can't rant about just how BAD this game truly is. As of January 10th, 2024, this game finally had its International release on both Android and iOS devices, along with an officially endorsed emulator for PC players. This game has had teasers and gameplay footage since 2019 (I think?) and I've been keeping a close eye on the development ever since. However, the game we saw back in 2019, and even 2020, is LEAPS different compared to this awful 2024 release.

THIS is the game that we were supposed to get. Style-switching between all four styles (Trickster, Swordmaster, Royalguard, and Gunslinger) as well as weapon-switching between Dante's arsenal. The fact that this game has the balls to call itself a DMC game while getting rid of CORE MECHANICS that have been in the series since 2005 is completely unforgivable, especially when IT USED TO BE A STANDARD FEATURE IN THIS GAME. Even more baffling was the decision to REMOVE THE GUN ATTACK. Dante, who has been using his arsenal of guns since 2001, now can no longer shoot or even carry guns anymore in this game, even though it still shows him using Ebony & Ivory in cutscenes.

Here is something else that has been (almost) completely removed. Originally, you could change Dante's appearance with outfits that you could unlock through in-game grinding, as well as changing his hairstyles. This has all been completely gutted from the International release of the game. Now, only about 2 of those outfits from the video still remain in the game, and they became Gacha pulls instead of unlockables, with hairstyles being completely removed from the game. It's utterly disgusting that they decided to REMOVE CONTENT just to force players to spend money (or no-life grind) for unlockable outfits.

Here's something even worse, you wanna know why they decided to scrap Style-switching and weapon-switching? It was so they could change the gameplay into a Genshin Impact/Honkai Star Rail style of combat. Now, you have a character-switcher, where you can add 2 other characters to your team and swap between them during combat. This completely removes any form of creativity when it comes to combos, because now, instead of just allowing Dante to freely switch through his weapons and change styles during combat, you have to swap to the Gacha-pulled Dante variants that have weapons like Beowulf or Nevan. I think the only GOOD thing I can say about this game is that you can play as Lady, Vergil, Nero, and eventually, V, but am I really expected to be happy about this when the rest of the game is complete garbage?

I think to end my review/rant off, I want to state that the cutscenes are so poorly directed and acted out that I had to just start skipping them anytime one would appear. No hate for the voice actors, I actually quite like Lady's VA, and I understand that they were just trying their best with the script they got, but everything is acted in such a stiff manner, and none of the characters really act like themselves. Dante's one-liners and quips come off as someone trying to imitate Dante's talking style from DMC3, and all of the lines that Dante has usually falls flat. The characters feel so robotic when they interact with each other, and moments of awkward silence usually occur during cutscenes when they are together. Overall, this game is a complete disappointment to the series and it only makes me hope for a future DMC remake or DMC6.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
