Exceptional worldbuilding and graphics are brought down with slow, repetitive gameplay.

The Ascent has a stunning graphical style. The cyberpunk world is dense, populated and oozes atmosphere. This makes up for the gameplay mechanics a lot. The game is a Diablo style twin stick shooter. The action is plentiful with exploding wet chunks mixed with slabs of concrete everywhere. The mission structure is the basic go there, shoot that or defend this spot.

What makes this game a difficult recommendation is the slow movement speed. Takes ages to get anywhere even with fast travel. Though I can see the argument that this makes you soak in the world's atmosphere, I can't help it and get bored a lot of the time. You will also blindly shoot enemies away from the screen because of the camera and the cover system feels tacked on.

Your love for explosive, Diablo style twin stick shooter action, beautiful graphics and expertly crafted cyberpunk world will determine your tolerance for finishing this game.

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2021
