Irony doesn't even cut it when saying Remember Me has been utterly forgotten by even the most devoted Dontnod fan. Dontnod's first project had an admirable scope with Alain Damasio's gigantic story bibles and the aim of its female protagonist, and if one actually plays the game, the well built world (and the multitude of supplementary material the player can read if they collect all the Mnesist Memories) showcase this ambition in spades. Yet, the dull combat with its five and only five combos—albeit customizable to a large, kind of arbitrary manner through Pressens—dilute the singular best part of Remember Me: Memory Remixing. Dontnod should've focused exclusively on Memory Remixing and its explorative functions to carry its narrative and supplemented small segments with combat—because whew! Nilin and whoever the fuck else was in the game are not at all memorable, except Jax, you murderous son of a bitch. I can't complain too much for something I had yet not played for years, but Dontnod really came out with the most pathetic whimpers for a studio who followed this with Life is Strange and Tell Me Why, vastly superior games with characters I actually like.

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2021
