The concept and the setting are incredible, they caught my eye immediately.
Ultimately the gameplay is bearable (basically just a series of somewhat underwhelming QTEs with a bit of memorisation tasks sprinkled in)
Unfortunately the story kind of lost me (the intrigue just became a series of plot twists that I thought were pretty cheap) around the same point where the gameplay became convoluted and fiddly (based on what was happening and the number of unlockables I had, I assume I was near the ending. Like 90% done with the game). I honestly couldn't be bothered to memorise a long series of obtuse instructions, nor could I be bothered to just play on story mode since the story wasn't really gripping me anymore. So I dropped the game.
I'd still say it's worth a try, it's a cute little game.
But I can't help but feel that there's a lot of wasted potential for a concept so unique.

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2022
