I wanted to love this game so much. It has an amazingly original premise and presentation, and it tackles adult themes that are not often explored in videogame media. The people in this world feel believable, as in, they are all deeply flawed. The protagonist, Vincent, most of all. He is a spineless, alcoholic, chainsmoking, pathetic manchild. And you can't help but feel determined to help this hot mess of a man to finally grow a spine and sort out his life.

The game gives you "gameplay whiplash" quite a lot, and i figure that is intended. In daytime, the game's basically a visual novel, but at night it becomes a hellish nightmare, in the form of a frantic puzzle game, that metaphorically represents the inner struggle of our "hero"

The mechanics for the puzzle game sections are well crafted and intricate, but that doesn't change the fact that it was not fun to play for me, at all. Sometimes it kinda worked, getting me in a state of flow. But most of the time, it was a frustrating, annoying, and overall miserable experience.

The story segments also stumble a bit, and fail the reach their potential, notcutting quite deep enough into the themes of relationships and commitment, and relying too much on gender stereotypes and tropes.

The new content (as in, Rin's storyline), had some good and touching moments, but it ultimately felt tacked on and meaningless.

So in summary, this was a pretty uneven experience for me. I would like to praise the original and fun idea behind this game, but the miserable time I had when actually playing it makes it feel dishonest for me to give it more than two stars.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2022
