This game asks one simple question: what if the original donkey Kong arcade game was just a tutorial sequence for a much bigger game?

DK94 just builds on the foundation of its predecessor, adding a slew of mechanics that frankly have no business being in a Gameboy game. Somersaults, handstands, a triple jump, this game goes for some mario64-tier movement mechanics, and it delivers.

The levels are generally quite fun and well put-together. Some are quite ingenious, but there are quite a few boring and uninteresting ones, and some are just frustrating. I think this game is a bit too diluted: it spreads its good ideas too thin, it goes on too long and that's what keeps it from really shining IMHO. Still, a very good platformer for the Gameboy, one of the best along with Kirby and Warioland.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2023
