Unlike the arcade version, this is more or less a translation of Super II Turbo onto consoles.

A shitty one at that.

Reviewed on May 07, 2022


2 years ago

Is the game broken? I genuinely want to know. I'm trying to beat the Movie Battle and just don't know if it's me or if the game is just plain unfair.

2 years ago

It's comparable to contemporaneous PSX / SAT ports of Street Fighter II: filled with jank hitboxes, extremely strict inputs, hella lag, unresponsive controls... technically playable but not worth bothering with.

And yes this has cheating AI, it is extremely unfair at times.

2 years ago

Insane. Thanks for the reply. I may very well have to take the L on this game. Been going through the chronological history of the PS1 on my stream, trying to beat all the games and stuff. I'm gonna give it a few more tries, but I'm not sure what more else I can do. Been stuck on Sagat in Movie Battle, and I'm told Bison isn't going to be much better.

Btw if you're interested to know, a viewer of mine managed to look into the code, and found that choosing a difficulty level makes no difference. Depending on how you do, it tries to do "adaptive" difficulty switching, but ends up sending you all over the place. If I tried to start a match with the lowest difficulty and lose, it starts to get harder. The more I lose, the harder it gets. If I fail Movie Battle and try it again immediately after the Game Over screen WITHOUT resetting the console, it spikes you to the hardest difficulty without your permission. It's a nightmare. There's a lot of other weird sequences that can cause difficulty spikes. Hella broken.