I genuinely have no idea how anyone can enjoy this, one of the single most boring fighting games I’ve ever played. Aside from Mega Man, Little Mac and Villager due to Animal Crossing's monstrous growth in popularity, none of the newcomers scream "essential, should have been in years ago" like the majority of Brawl's cast. While some additions were cool to see (Wii Fit Trainer, Cloud, Bayonetta, Duck Hunt, Ryu [it's probably a bad sign most of these are DLC), it's the Pokemon of the week, Fire Emblem lord of the week, ANOTHER Fire Emblem lord of the week, Mario fillers that have become mainstays, Pac-Man was a given seeing as how Bamco was making it, Palutena because Sakurai just finished Kid Icarus Uprising (an equally bloated unfun mess), everyone was calling it the second the game was revealed. It was by far the least hype pre-release cycle for a game I can name. I wish that Chorus Kid leak was real (and seeing the game's files it probably was at one point, yet another disappointment).

And it doesn't even have Smash Run lmao.

Reviewed on May 07, 2022


it has shulk so its good

2 years ago

You are correct, BUT, he is the most generic interpretation of his moveset they could have implemented. He feels more like a Fire Emblem character than a Xenoblade character. I really appreciate his Neutral Special, all my homies like Neutral Specials that are installs / unique / not just a big punch or projectile.
idk, I thought his character was handled perfectly