terrifying in every sense, I'm surprised by how suffocating this game feels. going from silent hill 2 to this game you feel a difference, I can't quite articulate it but you feel oppressed. the game is shrouded in an almost industrial grime aesthetic, and it works wonders. the camera angles all allude to Harry being restricted, even the controls help in making us feel worthless in this town. It's that fear of what's around the corner in an almost ethereal yet grimy atmosphere which keeps you invested. each level feels like its own as you navigate your way through dense, webs of halls and rooms while not feeling frustrating. the game gives you the illusion of non-linearity which helps make the world of silent hill feel so alive despite their being almost no heaps of lore texts and dialogue, it all feels so meticulously planned. mechanically the game is also impressive, enemies are quite responsive and the tension they add is immaculate. one of my favorite aspects of the gameplay is how you are able to stealth past enemies and even distract them to a certain extent. I've had moments where I was able to shoot once and lure in enemies while I slowly walk away with my flashlight turned on. these mechanics add interesting depth to an otherwise dated game which does show in some aspects but is dwarfed by everything else that is good about this game. I was constantly entranced playing this game and its ability to pull me into its aesthetical marvelous world. I really can't talk enough about how much I love the aesthetic of this game, its dense and dream-like nature is gorgeous. I found the game to have a right balance between challenging yet doable in normal mode which I felt silent hill 2 was a wee bit too forgiving in its normal mode. resource management does play an important role and by the second half I was really struggling which forced me to adapt the sneak past enemy method even though it did fail sometimes, I appreciate it for adding another layer of tension to an already intense game. the puzzles were also interesting while not being ridiculous like some parts of silent hill 2, I did struggle with 1 puzzle significantly though and I did not like it whatsoever but that is one out of many. I do think there are a bit too many save points and reducing them would definitely help in emphasizing the feeling of desperation and fear. I do like the story in fact, I think the biggest mistake someone can make walking into this game is expecting something like Silent hill 2 when it just isn't. to me, the story felt more like a convenience for the game rather than something which the player would be greatly invested in. Lisa would definitely be my favorite character alongside Harry. I'm not going to go too in depth the story because I don't have any concrete thoughts. overall I am very pleased with the game which was a surprise. I'm constantly perplexed by how engaging the game is, its industrial aesthetic is something I will always love.

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2022


1 year ago

Rate the game blud lmaooo

1 year ago

@TrueGameist_ No 🐔 😹