This game is like actually true kino. I feel like I said that about Investigations 2 already but I'm saying it again for this one.

I thought Dual Destinies looked nice visually, but DGS really blows it out of the water. This definitely feels like a much more high budget game in comparison with how much effort they put into the presentation. The models look great, and the animations are a step above AA5. They're much more fluid in comparison, whereas AA5 was trying to go for a more limited kind of animation that was in the older games. The artstyle is also great, and I appreciate the whole Victorian-style aesthetic they were going for with the designs and background art. Of course the soundtrack is really good as well as it usually is in these games, but the orchestral style really does a lot to distinguish this from the main series, as well as compliment the game's setting.

In terms of story I actually don't have that much to talk about. I enjoyed all of the cases pretty much, and the main cast is really charming. Van Zieks is probably one of the most intimidating prosecutors in the series. It really feels like you're fucked when you start your first trial in London against him. Sadly he feels a little underdeveloped compared to Edgeworth or some of the other ones, but his deal will probably get expanded on in the sequel.

Only reason this gets a 4.5 is because most of the story just feels like setup, but I wasn't bored or pissed off by it at all. Guessing there will be more pay off in Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2, whenever that gets translated 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Also they removed the log button which they finally added in AA5, what the fuck Capcom?

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2021


3 years ago

i liked the part with ryuunosuke
so true!!! ryunosuke is funny