This game is just super disappointing honestly. Coming right after Apollo Justice chronologically, Apollo as a character gets completely shafted while they introduce somebody completely new. Athena and Blackquill are cool characters but half the cases are just kinda boring. The solutions to the mysteries feel more obvious than in previous games (though maybe that's just because I played this 7 years ago and still remember a little bit), but the final case and the ending are actually pretty good. The whole overarching story is OK overall, probably could have been delivered better.

The presentation of this game is actually pretty good though, especially the new 3D graphics. Most of the character models look great, and it's neat how they can do more creative camera angles in a 3D space like panning across the courtroom. Obviously there are things you can do in 2D that don't work in 3D and vice versa but I think they still pulled off the style of animation they'd been using in the older games pretty well in this one. I really enjoyed the soundtrack as well, especially the remixes of Phoenix and Apollo's themes. There are a lot more little aspects that I enjoyed, but overall this one was just OK.

Also they finally added a log so you can scroll up and see old text. Took them seven games to do that somehow.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2021
