a VERY fun game imo
it is horror but it's not like a horror where the scary part felt natural ~_~b
though there is bunch of bugs but still playable

All the song are like all time favorite and popular, with some not that really popular (but imo still good) most of the song is like made just for the project diva game i suppose because like Marginal is not really popular in youtube before that (correect me if i'm wrong)
but the chart is kinda boring and nothing too hard in this game, in my psp i played a lot of project diva F than this one

the bad side of this game is that it's the literal copy of the old 2009 project diva with some addition new song. imo i enjoyed this a lot because the chart is way more fun and i like most of the song in here <3 Online game addicts ahhh i love you <33

i think this is the best project diva game out there, you can play games with the characters
see~ see~ see~ no yoi~ yoi~ yoi~ or jankenpon lololol
it's fun to see them grew closer to you and the other frequently visit your lot just to hangout with the character you have on.
The song is perfect they got old songs and KAGEROU DAYS WWAHOO (my ps3 broke down and my game r corrupted, the corrupted song is only Kagerou Days ghjasgdjh)

In short, the best project diva.

i miss remember this as the project diva F -_- /
i LOVE this one because there's popipo and the extreme dissepereance of hatsune miku
the song would be my first nemesis on project diva saga back then.
(i failed to perfect it on the extreme >.>)

Sigh it's sad to give my all time fav game this low score.
i don't enjoy anything at all in here. The idea is smart, the character are waay more interactive than before. We had mission and some sort of a storyline which is fine but the annoying thing is for the game mode to be split like that.
There's one that you can play to finish request or to get a new module and then a second mode where you play normally like in the old ones.

It makes me furious when i played the main game mode and got the perfect score in there, in the sub game mode didn't recorded it. It's so annoying!!! so like the main game mode we didn't need to do our best? just finish the song and that's all?

also the song pick is kinda horrible, not much of a pick, but i gotta say the concert thing is unique and i enjoyed it (only the quirky, cute and classic concert any of that is horrible)
the chart is bad and ugly as well.
the other game mode where we can play 3 song of what we wanted to play is okay but not really needed because they cut off the song not good af.

The character interaction is fell off to be really annoying for me, it's hard to leveled up their hearts and they can be suddenly asking for gift where i spam to skip dialogue. and then i stand in there with them without knowing wtf they wanted because there's no log or like a text of what they just said. PLAINLY ANNOYING!!!

BUT! i didn't found this game all bad, the module gacha is reealllly fun! actually makes me wanted to play more and more just to get all the module. I really wish they kept it in the future but i guess not (seeing future tone and megamix doesn't have that) i spent 6 hours a day to grind them modules lol


heehee very fun they put many new song and yet still put the old song heehee
the down side of this game...
really regretted for not buying it the deluxe pack when its on sale.
but basically it's just an arcade mode of the game, no story, just rhythm yipeee

i MAY- be biased but i truly love this far cry.
the visual, character, storyline, mechanic, missions i think it's really good.
The story makes me as confuse as the protag, it goes down really bad and the evil slowly uncovered in the end games gives me trust issues with all of them LOL.
Also only in this game that i truly took a minute to stop and look at the breath taking view. The colors goes really well with other UGH!
i love this game

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great story, good character, insane ass twist

every chapter always give me surprises, one chapter can make me felt uneasy and another can make me crying my eyes out.
The character is well written whether how fucking insane the character is or how annoying the character is.
But in Yusuke chapter i'm gonna be honest, i got so bored. Too much bullshit in the beginning so i spamming enter button. BUT the twist in the end is crazy anyway. It makes me felt loss for not reading it thoroughly sobs (i re-read it later)

but for non native english language for me, the ending confuses me so bad lololol. i need to read some explanation in the end because they use some heavy and ambiguous word.

but overall 10/10 will recommend friend to play this

first taiko i played! have a great amount of songs,, the downside is just i played on PSPGO ,,,,, the button is too small

also finishing the intense voice of hatsune miku EX on PSPGO is impossible for a damn 13 years old

the fighting per country is so fun xDDD