01/10/2023: sebec route done!
03/10/2023: aaand sq route finished! review soon

im a big fan of the persona series so im glad i finally took the time to sit down and get around to this one! more enjoyable than i expected!

the cast is pretty strong there were times i wish they had more time to shine, but where they do shine is alot of the optional dialouge u can have with em in side areas (and there is ALOT). a big shame tho that there wasnt a new game plus bc i would have loved to replay it with a different crew since some of the cast are optional party members.

i played with the music mod and yeah, i get it now why ppl are kind of mixed on the new ost. its not bad but the but it does feel like trying to fit a round figure in a square hole. it passes trough but it doesnt entirely feel fitting. the original ost just gives a different mood that the new one doesnt really match. its a shame also bc the original ost is a banger on its own. would have loved if they remixed them instead/able to choose like in the p2 psp games.

the gameplay is where it gets kinda boring. i love the demon negotiation but with the lack of a compedium it gets a bit repetive to recruit the same old demons again.

the rank up system is intresting due to having to use a personas skill so they can gain their skillsets fully. a way so party members are actually used. but having the exp ALSO be determined by how active a party member is used is a god damn pain in the ass, esp if ur trying to grind quickly (which you probably have to at some point). not a big fan of having to position ur party members also.

but even with its hick ups im glad i played this and pumped to try more of the "oldsona" games. can only hope this gets ported in the future so ppl can try it on, flaws and all.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2023
