I've only ever played 2 versions of RE4 - the original, on Game Cube, and this one. The miracle of the remake is that it's both entirely its own thing, and yet without going back, it's hard to notice the differences at all. It makes RE4 feel fresh and new again. Even though it's the urtext for the modern third person shooter, there's also nothing else like it.

The original flaws are there too. Just like the original, I think the campaign almost outstays its welcome. (I'm probably alone in this, but I've always felt that they should have gone with two shorter campaigns like the earlier Resident Evils, maybe split equally between Leon and Ada.)

Lastly, a note about the VR version. I'm a huge fan of RE7 on VR, and I waited until VR mode was released to play RE4. A couple short sessions convinced me they made a perfectly serviceable conversion, but it was never going to be the best way to play this game. RE4 was never about horror or jump scares, and while it feels good to aim and shoot in VR, it sidesteps everything that's really unique about RE4. Really too bad, since it only furthers the argument that PSVR2 isn't getting the support it deserves.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024
