I've known about Fate for what seems to have like as long as I've liked anime, and Zero and the frankly bad Studio DEEN adaptation of this story hold a very special place in my heart. So actually doing the visual novel, was always something I've wanted to do in the back of my mind, but it feels fitting I did it now.

I cannot describe the month of going through all three of these routes has done to me in words good enough after just finishing Heaven's Feel, but wow, it really succeeded any and every expectation I ever had for it. Heaven's Feel in particular is something that will stick in me for forever.

Can fully understand if something like this isn't your cup of tea, but if you even have slight interest in it, I'd urge you to check it out, its truly something that'll make you feel any and all sorts of different ways, and its an experience I will cherish for years to come.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2021
