An improvement from VII in just about every way outside of being less scary. Takes a lot of very obvious ques from 4, but most importantly, its is just as excellently paced as it, going from new exciting set piece to the next, and its absurdly fun. On top of that, it is just about as goofy as 4 gets but with a modern twist to it, as you play as the most owned man in video game history, in a world that feels just as insanely stupid (in a very good and fun way mind you) as Resi 4's. The ending of this game is absurd on just about every level, but its also fucking awesome, maybe the best end portion this series has ever achieved. Just a consistently fun and off the wall experience, not really scary, but neither was 4 and it somehow makes the leap to a more action based horror experience better than it has any right to, and is certainly miles above VII's shift in that regard. Happy to see Capcom is back to consistently knocking it out of the park with their games again after all these years.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2021
