Definitely a game with a lot of problems in it, and in many ways its design philosophy is very flawed, but I was fortunate enough to play this game co-op, and in many ways I think the game is able to shine best this way. Obviously any game with friends is going to make it better, but it was just a fun romp to be able to take on, and become absolutely busted. II also benefits from the longer you play it, a lot of the second half and especially the DLC I would say are just genuinely really great Souls levels.

Everything does come with the caveat of not ever really coming close to topping the first game for me, especially not in stuff like the boss department which is just overstuffed as all hell, and the level and overall game design is way too overtly mean at times but I don't know, I think people really overhype how bad it truly is. Also II just lacks the narrative and feel that I think made the first truly a wonderful game, but sometimes I feel like you don't need that, and I think this game does a very decent job of being a fine and digestible dark fantasy. And again, when the game is good, I think it definitely has some great highs, a lot of the DLC fights are fantastic, and the weapon variety is a lot better than 1's selection.

I don't know, perhaps I'm biased because I got a very good experience playing this game with two other friends I don't typically hang out with, but who cares. If I think the game is fun that is really all that matters to me, and I think II is well worth a look at, especially if you have some others willing to go through it with you.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2021
