Within the first hour of the game, a large trench-coat clad man just appears, monologues in front of you as the protagonist, Isa, just starts fucking shooting him until he gets him to shut up. If that doesn't convince you to play it, nothing will.

I think everyone has those games where they look at it, say, "this looks cool but I'll never get around to it" and Sin & Punishment: Star Successor is one of those games. But holy shit am I glad I got the chance to finally give a look, this is maybe the most insane Nintendo game I've ever played. It looks gorgeous, there is shit flying at you at all over, the plot just happens and you just got to roll with it, and its all fucking awesome. It is a crime we all didn't play this game, because the style and insanity this game oozes is to be celebrated. I cannot even begin to describe the utter shock and amazement I had during just about every moment in the game. One of the last things you do in the game is have a fucking handcuffed fist fight with the main villain, its awesome. Sometimes a game just activates every neuron in your body, and that is all you need. Go play it. Now.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2022
