PS1 games have got to be among some of my favourites to go and visit, there is just such a charm and even philosophy to them that very few eras of games can really match. Tail Concerto in many ways is the shining example of what makes these types of games so engaging for me. It just is allowed to be what it is, and what it is, is a simple, charming, albeit janky little experience.

For games like this, the joy comes in little things, like the really cheesy yet surprisingly good English voice work for the time, the almost aloof animations of the characters, and especially the mech you control, and the genuinely really cool world and aesthetic it brings before you. It is unapologetically 90s anime as well, as well as unapologetically furry, its kind of a must play if you fall into that niche of loving Klonoa in that regard. I really enjoy my experience with this one, its just short and satisfying enough to truly please me.

There is also the elephant in the room that this game is the start to a truly insane trio of games that spans three different decades, systems, and genres. All of which I am hoping to get to this year, and the fact that this of all things is what started it is absolutely buck wild to me. Here's hoping the next couple of games are just as charming as this one!

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2022
