Goes without saying, but the Resident Evil remake is one of the best that has graced the medium. While there are plenty of great remasters or remakes out there, very few get to this level of polish and acclaim to the point where it really is the definitive way of experiencing it. Though obviously, what the remake really highlights is what a great and revolutionary game the original is at its core.

The fixed camera angles, tank controls, and a clear lack of field of vision make for an always tense gameplay loop that excels here. I had played most the other modern Resi titles before this one, so going into this with a limited amount of inventory slots, with no expansion makes the game so stressful. This is a game that makes you have to do tough decisions, and I love it in terms of making the game feel so agonizing and terrifying, even if I do perfer the inevitable upgrades you get later on. But to add to the original's stressfulness, even killing zombies isn't the end in this one, having to try and guarantee headshots, burn the body, or risk an even more powerful enemy later on. The on the fly decision making you have to make is what makes this game so good at its core.

That is to say nothing about the look of the game. Maybe one of the best looking games, ever? The pre-rendered backdrops, even now, are some of the spookiest and most memorable locations I can remember, only highlighted by the camera always changing, keeping you on your toes as a zombie slowly appears just out of frame.

I'm not saying anything new here. I don't think I need to, there is a reason the original game had such an electric reaction when it first released, and the remake gives people the opportunity to feel that power of, for many, the first true horror game at all times with no compromises. Just an insanely well designed game, and an excellent reimagining of this iconic and often very goofy world.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2022
