Stone cold, horror classic. Resident Evil 4 is a landmark title we're still seeing the reverberations of even now, but the original Dead Space was probably the first truly amazing game to be directly inspired from it. Taking the horror of Resi 4 and cranking it all the way up into a metallic, alien setting, where the infrustructure of this ship is constantly falling apart from alien rot. It is openly hostile, in many ways, but the way it isolates you is a special type of evil. Your contact with the vanishingly few amount of characters populating the ship is almost all through electronic communications. Anytime you want to see them in person is almost a pipe dream, and if you do, it usually doesn't spell good news for that one involved.

The claustrophobic space of the Ishimura feels alive, which makes the rot that the Necromorphs bring to it all the more dangerous. The need to strategically get rid of limbs, along with the low frequency of resources compounds that horror only further. Still a master class, I can't wait to play the remake, probably later this year.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2023
