Just as impressive as the first game, but it didn't charm me as much as the original. With that being said, it was still a great experience.

This game is still haunting and disgusting as ever. There are some things my eyes cannot un-see. The pixel art is somehow even better than the first game and really pushes the limits of how painterly pixel art can be. The inclusion of two new weapons was fun to experiment with and adds some interesting platforming sequences, although I wish they explored the platforming even more because the new movement upgrades like Double Jump and Mid-Air Dash makes traversal much more satisfying than the first game. All the bosses were all fucking amazing (besides the final boss) and really made me go into nerd neck mode as I kept getting my ass beat.

The change from pixel art to animated cutscenes can be a little jarring at first but that's something that didn't bother me as much as I played the game more. This time around, I did try to 100% the game but it gets to a point where I'm not trying to refer to a guide for hours to find these little babies in floating capsules. I wish this game marked more things on the map after you discover them, maybe then I would go for the 100%.

Overall, great metroidvania. Highly recommend.

Reviewed on Nov 26, 2023
