Most of the reviews criticize this game for "stealing assets" or "shamefully copying Pokémon", but I always think there is space for a real competitor for Pokémon.
The huge success this game reached shows us that there is a large group of people hungry for a good Pokémon game, a thing that Game Freak fails to do so.
However, taking out the novelty of this game, what remains is a generic sandbox game that sums up the Four Horseman of Gaming Apocalypse: Early Access, Crafting, Open World and Survival.
The game is a boring grindfest that requires that you farm resources more than 50% of your time in the game. Player animation and movement is awkward and ugly, the "boss battles" consist on only shooting a bullet sponge until it's dead, and upgrading your base is incredibly boring.
This is the perfect example that a great idea for a game, at the right time, carries the popularity of it,

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2024
