This game is what yakuza 4 should've been can't rate it any higher unfortunately because RGG refuses to fix the core issues the series has had since its inspection mainly pertaining to how mediocre-good the combat is

The issues with it are as follows

The lock on 5 games in still refuses to function in large crowds is it detrimental only sometimes but you'd think it'd function by now but the lockon basically acts as bad as the first game

The difficulty every time I play one of these games (on normal) I go wow sure would be nice if the game actually challenged me so I could acquire some mastery of the combat but on normal the games are always too easy to gain this leaving me always unsatisfied at my play and the games reluctance to have a challenging normal mode (games should be challenging on normal these are the settings the dev is basically telling you to play on)

Healing Items these frankly shouldn't exist outside drops you get in the mission and allow you no matter how ridiculous the challenge to easily complete it as long is you don't run out which you shouldn't

Heat it frankly feels useless against anything that isn't a random encounter and the whole system needs a rework
Because of how mediocre-good the combat Is these games are primarily carried by the story and it frustrates me to no end since the story of these games has always been a mess and are only enjoyable when you turn your brain off

Fuck that final boss if it wasn't such a shitshow id give this game an 8/10

Badass game
Fast movement fun moves great enemy's and ost what more could you want

Amazing RTS with 20 great campaign missions with amazing systems and mechanics and full of great features and extra content beyond the 20 missions and with community maps there's no reason not to keep playing after

Worst game I've ever played literally landfill material
The 4 person structure and obviously rushed development kills any potential this game had by the time you start liking playing as a character there part is over this combined with the upgrade system bad encounter design makes the gameplay shallow and lacking the story is just awful as well there is nothing redeeming about this game it has no merit and all copys of this game belong in a landfill 0/10

This game is great
I really enjoyed the combat system and the balancing they finally figured out how to make gun guys threatening but not stupid in this game Kiryu's core moves also just feel great in this one the bosses in my opinion though are lacking
The story as always in these games is nothing mind-blowing but very solidly wrote and simple and pushes the game forward in a natural way I really enjoyed the closer focus on Kiryu's relationships
Didn't fully do everything I wanted so I'm definitely coming back for more on hard mode see you in 2034

Great Campaign and the best zombies mode the series has ever seen with great map variety that features more casual and hardcore maps and an engaging weapon sandbox

This Game Fucking Rocks :)

I mashed Lariat Good times :)

I ran right and mashed A great game :)

For a visual novel this game sure has mediocre writing
Nuff Said

Its nice that Siactro made an expansion but it just shows his flaws as a developer only 1 good level in this and rather short and I can only assume wasted dev time on story and presentation Siactro nails the feel of a 3d collectathon I wish he instead of doing these mini games made a full one Its frustrating seeing a developer that captures what makes 3d platforming so fun not put out a full product

This will be on the second monitor until I die