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Great game if you are into mechanics or building things. Game has alot of intressting concepts and the physics engine is very intressting. This game is probalby one of the best out there for physics as you can do much more then in many other games, it truely feels alot more limitness then other games. This game feels like minecraft but without the suvival element and more of the building element however more complex an designed for moving creations. The game achives this by making everything that isn't attached to the group its own creation that has physics and can attach and be moved. From there you can split all the different parts out with things such as pistions and bearings. As of writing this the game still has performance issues with large complex things however the dev's say they are working on fixing it which will probs happen as they have fixed other things such as muliplayer lag and glitch issues. Right now the survival aspect is quite limited and doesn't have much depth towards it, it also has very bad balance and can be a huge grind to get items needed to build and do things, however the dev's are adding more in new content updates. The dev's of the game however seem to have issues with commncation and don't very ofion give good updates on how long updates will take. Simple updates seem to somehow expand into massive muli year updates without much notice. The dev's however do seem to care for the game and are still working on it after all this time.