Quality of life features are bolted on to a game that used to be harsh, demanding, and require cooperation. It's not enough to ease the pain of progression compared to modern MMOs yet it is still too much to ever replicate what the game was originally like. I am well aware of the fondly remembered original experience but I don't think I'd personally ever want that. It was a punishing time sink that gave people who, at the time, had the time, great memories. Now, it asks far too much from new players like myself compared to what it gives back.

If you're a newcomer like I was. If you want to play every FF game. If your sole goal is to simply see all the story content. I can't recommend this to people like me. There is no breezing through the story content. You will have to dig in fairly deep and engage with much of FFXI to get to the end. There are some fantastic stories and characters in this game. Some among the best in the series. Playing the game to see that is more engaging than watching it all on YouTube especially because none of it is voiced. I am not someone who could've enjoyed the story as much if I just read it. With no break from the dialogue, no area or battle music, and no atmosphere to soak in. Yet I can't deny this is a matter of tens of hours vs hundreds. And I don't think the time investment justifies the returns you get. Mainly because I find playing the game to be the least fun part. It hurts me to say that because there is a lot to love about Vana'diel. Yet even with the quality of life updates, FFXI is an archaic game that will frustrate a new player who only wants to see the story.

If you're still committed to seeing this story unfold before a potential shutdown then I offer a few bits of advice. First, try and find some fans to play with who share your goal. The company improves the absurd amount of time you'll spend traveling, leveling, and farming drops. Second, don't be afraid to ask for help in-game. Much of this game is soloable now with the help of NPC party members but the more human players, the lower the barrier to clear some of the harder story content becomes. You will inevitably hit a wall, but when my group stopped being stubborn and gave a shout for help, it came instantly. It's a social game, don't be afraid to ask. Lastly, use a guide. This game needs it, especially if you're going to be efficient

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2024
