People who were disappointed by this game aren’t true kingdom hearts u don’t get it like I do….kh3 was never going to be “good” the combat was never going to be kh2/kh1 level kairi was never going to have agency they were always going to undo every cool tragic thing they did with the organization xiii and bbs characters and if you didn’t understand that going in that’s on you! KH3 is about hanging out with your best video game friends from childhood again…mashing the X button one more time…ten thousand mini games which are actually surprisingly good! Confusing time travel mechanics, old men Xehanort and Eraqus revealed at the final hour to be kind of gay, axel+roxas+xion group hug where they’re all crying it’s all a 10/10. It was everything I expected back in 2019 and it was fun to play again today!

Reviewed on Feb 29, 2024
