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I am rating this game 15 years after release and so my rating is probably a bit too low, however, Grand Theft Auto IV had come out the year prior and it is a much better game mechanically, so its possible to have done better.

The game is entertaining, it is like popcorn action flick and not like GTA IV which is more akin to a thoughtful movie experience. The mechanics in the game such as disguising yourself as Germans and climbing around the rooftops is a lot of fun and adds a stealth component which is needed in the Hard and above difficulties.

The driving is not the best, however there are a wide variety of vehicles which you can steal and store in your garage and spawn as needed for free. There only feels like a few handling types, heavy, race car, medium, and tanks. The cars do slide a bit in certain situations though.

The gunplay is a lot of fun, although there doesnt seem to be auto-aim for controller which is fine, but the control stick doesnt allow for the finest precision shooting so it can be hard to kill enemies efficiently.

The place this game basically loses most of its ratings is in the jank. There is a lot of game ruining jank, crashes and glitches. I have found myself stuck in a small creek because they did not program a way to climb out of bodies of water unless its with a ladder, get stuck behind scenery, and crashes at checkpoints.

The controls are terrible and you will find yourself manning a turret instead of yanking the German off and then able to fight. You will take him off the turret, then man the turret, and in harder difficulties you can get killed fast if you dont anticipate this happening.

The game also frequently has you holstering your weapon after a cutscene and right before a major action scene, meaning you have to be aware to draw your gun out so you dont get killed immediately.

Lastly, the jumping off of ledges and between buildings can be a give or take on if youll just fall off the building or grab the ledge. Same with the telephone wires that connect rooftops. You cant just stand underneath and grab on, rather you have to jump forward and hope you grab it.

Overall, a fun game with a lot of fun mechanics that were ruined by shoddy programming. Oh yeah, you can cheese the disguise mechanic by blowing everything up, running out of the suspicion zone, wait a bit, then itll be business as usual and you can take down a whole building with explosions and no one really cares. Once you get the line of sights down pat and how to use the disguise mechanic stealth is a much better way to complete a lot of the missions.