You get what you came for - this game is definitely Puyo Puyo and it's definitely Tetris. Individually the two styles are as fun as ever, and when combined through Fusion mode makes for an interesting novelty at least.

I'm used to Puyo campaigns being fairly short, but Puyo Tetris has 7 Acts worth of main story and 3 additional postgame Acts (Act 9 is the best one, it's just classic Puyo goofiness). So Puyo Tetris is at no lack of content and the characters are funny as always. It feels like a satisfying evolution of the more arcade-y style of the original games while not abandoning it altogether.

Although one of my only real complaints is how it can be a little tedious to 100%. Going for three stars on certain levels had me stretching out a match far longer than I needed to just to rack up the necessary amount of points... so I'd have to actively try not to win, which just felt a bit odd sometimes.

But of course, a very small complaint in the grand scheme of things. I definitely recommend you check Puyo Tetris out, whether you're new to the series or a veteran. It goes on sale literally all the time too, you have no excuse.

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2021
