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If FE1 came out of the gate sprinting, FE2 walked out at a leisurely pace after it with some stumbling, but managed to finish the race at the end of the day.

FE2 is extremely not FE1. It's kind of a step down from FE1 but it's hard to make a direct comparison because things are so different. So while I can say the not-very-good convoy management system is technically no longer here, they changed the game so that there are a finite number of infinite-use weapons instead. There are also area maps where you can walk around and talk to NPCs, albeit a bit primitive, but I can't really hold that against a game from 1992.

Overall the game is alright. The first two acts start off quite strong and they're a lot of fun. The world map structure combined with the optional dungeons is a nice format which rewards exploration, again as much as it can in 1992. You're introduced to a variety of unit types including the versatile villager class, though there's not much indication as to what's good and what's not, having choice Is a good thing at the end of the day.

Then Act 3 starts and the game slightly begins unraveling. Cantors become commonplace, Witches start showing up, the FE2 hit rates start getting in there (they are very bad), and the maps start getting very questionably designed. And here is a direct comparison I can make: FE1's maps were very well designed and each represented something, FE2's maps include "green field with trees", "green field with river", "90% desert tiles", "70% swamp tiles", "boat", and the same two indoor maps forever. The map design in this game truly is terrible.

Act 3 and Act 4 you just sort of meander through, and it becomes more apparent this game is fairly obscure. The Lost Woods is a maze and the hint for if you're "lost" is extremely subtle (one extra tree tile. that's it.), as is Alm's promotion which you can entirely miss. The level curve is also somewhat slow, especially on Alm's route, and god help you if you don't find the Secret Shrine to grind EXP on and go into the final map on the second tier of class promotions. I'm sure it's doable but I'm not sure it's fun at that point.

I'm ragging on FE2 a bit. It's not particularly good, but I will say it does release dopamine when you do clear a map or train up your uber units to crush and kill enemies and sometimes cheese maps. I'd be lying if I said I had a miserable time. I think FE2 is the type of game that you'll have more fun with if you fully know what you're getting into when you start playing it, and if it's not for you that's completely understandable.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023
