Well, for the longest time I was ready to mark this in the 3-3.5 range, because it's.. pretty much just Kirby's Return to Dream Land for the Wii, for the Switch. Which is fine, the original is a great game, but you'd think a game with Deluxe in the title would be more than just a port (it sort of is, and we're going to get there, but bear with me a little). The game shares the same glaring problem that the original did: there are points at which the camera is far far far too zoomed in. Being hit from things off screen is not great, though I do otherwise think this game really nails the difficulty (as well as the original did), being a fun Kirby game without being too easy.

So: new content. The Mecha Ability is good and cool and fun to use, the Sand Ability significantly less so, Festival Ability is cool but shows up like twice ever. There are really two significantly new things, both dealing with Magolor. The first is Merry Magoland which... exists. That's about as much credit as I can give it. It's basically a glorified submenu for the minigames with "achievements", which is cute but ultimately doesn't really do much other than give you cosmetic masks to put on your characters. The beef of the new content is in Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler. While short, this new content is very high quality: levels based in the interdimensional world that Kirby frequently visits, playing as Magolor who gradually regains his power as you put your currency into leveling him up. This mode is high quality content and super fun, and really bridges the gaps of "what exactly is this interdimensional space" and "why did Magolor show up later as if nothing happened". I know the Kirby universe isn't exactly a lore heavy one, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

I'm still not sure the new content is worth the hefty price of a new mainline Nintendo game, but I'm ultimately glad I picked this up.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2023
