As far as Dante's first outing goes, this is a perfectly solid action game with a straightforward yet fun combat system. The narrative isn't anything to write home about, but remains fairly enjoyable outside of some real groanworthy dialogue near the end of the game. It's presented well thanks to nicely animated cutscenes and voice acting that is (usually.) pretty good. Visuals have a lovely creepy gothic atmosphere that certainly adds to the experience.

I wouldn't say it's flawless, however - personally I had many gripes with the fixed camera, and found myself getting lost in some of the maps. There are also strange nonconventional gameplay segments, like the underwater portions, as well as the dreaded Kamiya Space Harrier section, but despite my initial concern, none of these lasted long enough to be bothersome or annoying. The combat is fun, and likely more involved than that of other brawlers at the time, but still somewhat lacking in depth and flexibility.

All in all, a fun experience that I think aged decently.

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2020
