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I know that have these companies have the bottom line to worry about, but it is still really frustrating to see so many developers churn out crap DLC just for the sake of it.

The title really gives this one away. The DLC adds a generic labyrinth to the game. There is really nothing to the aforementioned maze - it’s another crypt-like environment in a game that is full of them. The new enemies are just skeleton warriors with obnoxiously inflated damage and health. There is also some vague lore BS about how this maze is where the gods of game world were trapped an eternity ago. Well, they couldn’t have been that impressive since they apparently couldn’t pull a few levers and traverse a couple hallways.

The boss at the end actually has a unique gimmick, unlike most of the base game bosses. Unfortunately, that gimmick is sort of cheap because it is poorly signaled and can lead to instant death. I give them a half a star for trying though.