This season was mediocre to me. It undid a lot of progress in terms of Fortnite gameplay for the past few years just to nostalgiabait for the people obsessed with the "OG" era. I never had much attachment to Fortnite at this time (I started playing in Chapter 2), so the nostalgia really did not work on me. It took away swimming and fishing for some reason, undid the gold bars mechanic, and just overall stripped away good mechanics in order to appeal to a very loud section of the fanbase, which sucked to see as someone not a part of said section. The loot pool was alright, the map was ehhh, and just overall it reeked of cheapness and I did not appreciate the season very much. I know a lot of people loved this one, but for me I just could not get into it for the aforementioned reasons.

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2024
