Very good base game, and a great remaster to boot. The remaster is perfect, runs at a smooth framerate, and looks great for the Switch. Easily one of the best looking games on the console. I think personally the one thing preventing this from getting a perfect 5 star rating from me is just the backtracking. Other games in the Metroid series have backtracking, of course, but I feel like in those games it's a lot less egregious when compared to this. The 2D Metroid games generally give you an idea of where to go next, and you move relatively quickly through smaller maps, meaning that reaching your next objective is quite simple. Prime, however, suffers from a lot of issues when it comes to backtracking. I think the game generally does a poor job of pointing you in the right direction, and many locales can feel extremely tired by the end, as you've already gone through them multiple times normally (often to reach an elevator to another area) and then again for any remaining items and artifacts. I think it makes the game feel unnecessarily bloated and confusing when it really didn't have to. However, that's my one issue with the entire game. It's a big one, yes, but I think besides that, this game is nearly perfect. Metroid Prime feels like a game that will grow on me over time, and I can eventually see myself ignoring the problems I had and giving it a complete 5 star rating, but until then I'll keep it at 4.5. Still a masterpiece, just could be better, although that is no fault of the remaster, just how the game was designed.

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2023
