The definitive way to play The Last of Us Part II. No Return is an excellent bonus mode that gives the game a ton of replayability similar to how Uncharted 4's Multiplayer and Survival Mode did for their game. The Lost Levels were a cool deleted scenes section that let you play through unfinished levels with director's commentary that give you a little more insight into the development of the game. Finally, the new director's commentary walk you through the thought process of the writers to understand and digest the story beats of the game better. On top of this, you get Guitar Free Play, new skins, Dualsense haptics and more in what should've been called a Director's Cut rather than a remaster. Better yet, if you own the game already, you get this all this shit for 10 DOLLARS. And if you don't, the game is only 50 DOLLARS, 10 dollars cheaper than what the game was at launch with only story mode. It seems like Naughty Dog learned their lesson with the Part I Remake and wanted to thank us for being fans. If you already own Part II, plan on giving it another chance, or are playing it for the first time, buying this version is a no brainer.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
