Why this game is so loved will forever be a mystery to me. I think the core gameplay and design is fine but the story is BAD. The thing that ruins the gameplay for me is also the lack of settings. I played this specific version of the game and it lacked options for aim sensitivity, which diminished the experience for me. The aim sensitivity in this was so incredibly slow it made moments that would've otherwise been tense and fun incredibly tedious and annoying. But seriously, other than that my main gripe is the narrative. They took the grounded, dark tone of 2 and 3 and completely shit on it. The whole thing felt more like a B-movie and the camp overstayed its welcome. I think the antagonists (and Ada) were cool and the atmosphere/lore of the game was good but the plot was literal nonsense. Almost all of the major story explanations were told through optional notes, which is not a good way to tell a story. LUIS'S ENTIRE SUBPLOT WAS EXPLAINED THROUGH NOTES, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? The villains also make several dumb decisions, the story has so many contrivances, and almost everyone here is idiotic. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON LEON. He is so incredibly unlikable in this game. They turn him into a laughing stock after the opening hours and his dialogue started as genuinely good camp and slowly devolved into the reason for my high blood pressure. I was so sick of him and the game by the end. Literally the most overrated game ever made. Mercenaries is cool though.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

Yeah they pretty much fixed all of this in the remake. The story isn’t perfect, it still has some pulpy elements and contrivances but campy stories can still be unironically good, and can still be taken seriously enough if they ground themselves in their own reality and stay consistent. The remake does that, and the RE games with the best stories like 2 and 3 do that even more. The original RE4 just has a crappy story with the funny dialogue being the only thing holding it up.