I decided to play The Coal out of morbid curiosity, thanks to everyone making this game out to be worse than Satan and @ZeusDeeGoose's disdain for the writing. Putting aside the creator's creepy, barely disguised incest fetish with the two mentally ill protagonists flirting, the gameplay is dull puzzle schlock, and the dialogue is something only a middle schooler could enjoy. How am I expected to take this "horror" game seriously when it doesn't even take itself seriously, or have anything of substance to say? Everything's just shocking for the sake of it. Satanism? Murder? Cannibalism? Shiver me timbers!!!

Reviewed on Dec 14, 2023


6 months ago

sorry for your loss

6 months ago

@zeusdeegoose dw I'm making up for it with games I enjoy

3 months ago
