Log Status






Time Played

12h 52m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 15, 2023

Platforms Played


Watch Dogs 2 is improved over its predecessor but it still falls short of its potential. I enjoyed the story and characters more than the first game, especially because the main protagonist was not wholly unlikeable, but it also mainly consisted of tired and weak criticisms of big data. Considering its parent company, it comes of as a neutered critique. That said, it was enjoyable to see my home city represented, and it was actually recognizable for the most part. The gameplay seems to also have been improved, less frequently devolving into shootouts, but the "hack anything" concept has still failed to come to fruition as it largely devolves into "hack an enemy's phone to buzz and distract them." This concept could still be implemented much more creatively than this series has achieved.