Log Status






Time Played

23h 10m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 5, 2023

First played

March 2, 2023

Platforms Played


As a lover of Sekiro, this game scratched that itch in a way that not many games are able to. Wo Long has an awesome core combat loop, with some cool mechanics that help to enhance the game. Spirit affecting all actions in different ways starts out as a relatively simple mechanic, but is actually quite complex. After a few hours, I was weaving attacks, deflections, guards, and dodges while keeping an eye on that meter to see when I could unleash spells or special attacks. The elemental system is a little confusing given how many different interactions there are, and I was able to mostly ignore it aside from a few enemies that required exploiting their weaknesses. It's not quite Sekiro with its rhythm-like zen state, but it's still a solid combat experience. Outside of combat, I actually found myself enjoying the mission-based structure versus open world due to open world fatigue, and I found the morale/fortitude system to be a welcome addition which rewards exploration. It was fun trying to fully uncover the flags in each level to ensure myself a better shot at beating the mission's boss. Outside of gameplay, the game's story is pretty obtuse if you're not familiar with the characters they're using (and I'm not) and there were some graphical hitches and crashes, but neither of those aspects detracted from the core experience for me.