It's a shame that such a lovingly crafted Hogwarts is in such a middle of the road modern open world video game. There's a lot about this game that is disappointing. The story itself falls fairly flat, mostly in its delivery. Having a fully custom protagonist makes it challenging to give the player character any real personality, resulting in mostly bland interactions with all of the main characters, who don't bring enough personality themselves to make these conversations all that engaging. The side content is also mediocre, with only the Sebastian Sallow storyline standing out. The open world is lifeless, and it's unfortunate how much of the game's missions take place in boring, repetitive dungeons. The combat that fills these dungeons consisted of me standing in place, casting spells, and pressing triangle or circle depending on whether a parry or block indicator showed up above my character's head--it never evolves past this. Changing spells is cumbersome, making the already boring combat even more tedious if it requires swapping them out more than a couple of times. The rewards for this combat is generic modern RPG loot, of which you're frequently required to annoyingly fiddle with due to a small inventory and another modern game design mainstay--overly pretty menu animations that take forever to swap between different pages. This is a game that is beautifully crafted with amazing attention to detail in its construction, but wholly lacking beyond that surface level.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2023
