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One of the finest match-3 puzzle games ever created. So many new ideas and mechanics are introduced here it's kind of insane. Lightning gems, Supernova gems, Doom gems, Locked gems, Mega Fruit Bonus... Combined with the twist and chaining mechanics which I think are way more interesting than standard Bejeweled, you have one of the richest scoring systems in a puzzle game. I don't even know how to fully describe how awesome it feels, you'll just have to play it yourself. It will suck you in for hours.

All the modes are fully fleshed out, with the Challenge mode in particular being a fantastic addition that builds your skills and pattern recognition for the Classic and Blitz modes. There's an easier Zen mode available for those who just want to chill for awhile. The DS/DSi ports even have a 2-player vs. mode.

And then on top of that, it has legitmately great visual design and a killer soundtrack by Peter Hajba/Skaven - a combination rare for PopCap games. You can't go wrong with this one.