Not much to say that hasn't already been said. Fun characters, fun plot, fun albeit simple battle system with Action Commands, and fun overworld exploration/platforming all tied up nicely with excellent prerendered 3D visuals and a fantastic catchy soundtrack, Yoko Shimomura's magnum opus.

Like Chrono Trigger, the game's biggest strength is how quickly it moves from point to point. Around every corner is a new enemy type, a hidden treasure, a platforming challenge, or a fun minigame (shoutout to the beetle game). The overworld and dungeon areas are so tightly designed; every room feels unique and has some memorable obstacle to deal with. There are dozens of small secrets and easter eggs hidden throughout, from the famous Culex to the casino which few seem to know exists.

It's a very simple game to be sure, but the execution is practically flawless.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
