haven't been on here in a while, played and beat a lot of games since my last review, and i'm excited to eventually get back to reviewing/rating everything on my profile as well as potentially revising existing ones. i think the main reason i haven't used this platform as much as i used to is because this thing doesn't have a mobile app. i'd go bonkers on here again if it did, and i think it would probably get more eyes on this platform than it currently has, which is like maybe seven. i know it's a small team over there but i really want to see this succeed! in the sea of quite a few "letterboxd but for Evil Gamers" websites this one stands above the rest as one that doesn't suck complete ass. i like having a platform where i'm able to succinctly talk about games while also goin crazy over them if need be. helps to sort my thoughts and appreciate what i'm reviewing more. i also like that people read and sometimes like them that's nice. oh yeah also this game is fucking awesome

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2023
