Nothing especially insightful to add on this one compared to my original log, as I think I've said about all that can be objectively said about FFVIII in my previous review - just wanted to say how special an experience this game is to share with a partner.

I've heard plenty of reasonable complaints about how Squall and Rinoa's romance is caught in the middle of a million different things instead of being the main focus like some thinks it should, but in doing so it manages to capture a specific sort of feeling: of being thrust into an intersection of far too many things for any one person to handle, feeling as if it's going to crush you from all directions... and then looking up and finding that someone else has also somehow found their way right where they are, threatened by those exact same burdens and every bit as in need of help as you are. Our two protagonists' private moments alone are few and far between, but they're all the more special for it: just like how we always see Squall's narration as our protagonist but only rarely get to see Rinoa truly open up, it's far too easy to get in our own heads and be left helpless to our limited perceptions of others' points of view. Sometimes you might be surprised what you find on the other end - or on your own.

Anyways, sorry, don't want to get too sappy or mushy to a bunch of people who don't know me or the details of my personal life. Squall is literally me and Rinoa is literally my girlfriend, that's what I'm getting at here.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2023

1 Comment

It isn’t mushy; it’s sweet! Glad you shared.