2 Reviews liked by strosh0w

The other guy said it best when he referred to liminal spaces. This game is NBA Jam if it took place in the Backrooms.

Look I'm just going to say it right now, do not look for anything of value in this game. The multiplayer is dead, and that is saying something considering that the three other CS games on steam still have active player counts. The only thing in this package that could pique anyone's interest would be the SP modes, but those are no where near good. The Tour of Duty campaign is the standard MP shooter turned SP arcade mode affair (i.e Quake 3, UT3), where it is just the multiplayer but with really brain dead AI. The Deleted Scenes is a more traditional campaign from the missions I played, but it is just random events with generic military shooter objectives. This would be fine, however the AI is dumb as rocks, and the game itself is so broken. Don't waste your time. Play 1.6 if you want the classic MP experience, and play anything else for the SP,